Thursday 4 October 2012

Obviously Influenced by the Devil.

The title for this post comes from the awesome Dweezil Zappa and Mike Keneally tune of the same name on the Confessions album.

From time to time someone will say "hey kids did you know rock music is the work of Satan, the great deciever - I just thought you'd like ta know that trivia - now you go on having fun ya scamps" and until recently I thought they were selling a load of old rubbish... but check this out:

We take a nice innocuous cycle of notes in chromatic order:

Next we switch to dark red and draw lines between the consecutive notes on a guitar... E to A, A to D, D to G, G to B and B back to E...

Are you spooked yet? Look closer at this cycle of chromatics, do you see the face of the devil?

That's right communism... but wait, the rabbit hole goes deeper...

Look again at this digitally enhanced chromatic cycle showing the strings on a guitar connected by red lines and filled in with paint... I couldn't believe it myself at first:

It looks like Lord Snooty without his top hat, but two white conical party hats on his head like horns ... a beard and biiiiig collars.

But look again at this image where the contrast is thrown way up and the RGB balance is skewed entirely to red..

It's just a goat people!! Duh, honestly it's like kids scared in the dark - turn a light on stop freaking out interpretting the shadows ... of which there are none when there's no light ... but anyway. Score one more for science, progress, rawk, image manipulation and goats.. now get outta here and go and having fun you scamps ;)